Digital Transformation

Implications of Exponential Technologies

The Executive Programme for leaders who want to transform uncertainty caused by the technological revolution into disruptive innovation
Registration Info material
  • English
  • hybrid
  • 6 ECTS
  • 9 , 500 €
  • Next start: 18.11.2024
  • 7 Präsenztage & 12 virtuelle Masterclasses
  • Campus Rheingau

Leadership in Times of AI, Blockchain, Robotics, and Quantum Computing

Start: 18. November 2024
On Premise: 18. - 22. November 2024 and 13. - 14. March 2025
Virtual Masterclasses in Module B: 2024: week 48 - 51 (4 sessions), 2025: week 02 - 09 (8 sessions)


Exponential technologies are reshaping our world at a rapid pace, offering both opportunities and challenges for leaders. You will learn to adapt your leadership and organizational models to this evolving landscape. Practical exercises and case studies ensure the mastery of a technology-driven future.

Gain the skills to lead yourself and your organization to success in this fast-paced era.

Recognizing Innovation and Growth Potentials

Exponential technologies are changing the world faster than ever before, creating both exciting opportunities and daunting challenges for leaders in every industry. Technologies once considered futuristic are now a reality, altering the way we live, work, and communicate. For businesses to succeed in this new landscape, leaders must understand how these technologies change the fundamental nature of work and how organizations operate. This requires a strategic mindset that can identify opportunities for innovation and growth, as well as a willingness to accept changes and disruptions.

Understanding Disruption as an Opportunity

In this leadership development program, participants will gain a deep understanding of the key exponential technologies driving technological transformation. These include artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, and quantum technologies. Participants will learn how these technologies disrupt traditional industries and create new markets, and most importantly, how they can be leveraged to drive innovation and growth.

Additionally, the program will explore the impacts of exponential technologies on organizational structures, business models, and leadership practices. Participants will discover new approaches to leadership that emphasize agility, innovation, collaboration, and creating an adaptable culture.

From Methodology to Your Practice

Through case studies, interactive exercises, and group discussions, participants will have the opportunity to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios and develop practical strategies for leading their organizations through technological transformation in a challenging learning environment. By the end of the program, participants will possess the knowledge and skills to navigate the fast-paced world of exponential technologies and lead their organizations into a more successful future.


Jannes Schreiber

Leiter Sales & Administration Executive School

Essential future skills

Interview Series on YouTube

Program Director and MD @ GILT Robin Weninger in conversation with international experts: Discover how exponential technologies are revolutionizing their industries and opening up new opportunities.

Watch playlist

You will learn...

  • the ability to discuss the impact of exponential technologies and to argue strategically in the context of one's own organization.
  • the ability to identify new opportunities for disruptive innovation.
  • the ability to strategically assess how exponential technologies change organizational structures.
  • the ability to validate technology-driven business models, their feasibility, and implementation potential.
  • the ability to apply essential leadership skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and argument-based rhetoric in the context of exponential technologies.
  • the ability to develop an organization towards new business models, organizational structures, and strategies.
FT Executive Education Ranking

Awarded by the Financial Times

The Financial Times has selected the best institutions for executive education in 2024. EBS took an outstanding third place in Germany for open programmes. The evaluation criteria in which EBS scored particularly well include graduate satisfaction, programme design and faculty. The Financial Times ranking is a confirmation of the excellence of EBS Executive School's programmes and underlines our commitment to enabling participants to build a successful career through continuing education.

Who should attend?

  • Executives who are interested in understanding the impacts of exponential technologies on their industry and business model.
  • Executives responsible for implementing technological solutions and/or organizational changes in their organizations.
  • Heads of functional teams seeking new tools and techniques for developing business strategies and evaluating and managing risks and opportunities.
  • Managers and young professionals who wish to develop leadership skills to scale initiatives for greater impact.

Programme Content

  • Module A: 5 days on the EBS campus in Oestrich-Winkel
  • Module B: 12 virtual weeks, each featuring a masterclass from a tech leader in the field (60 to 90 minutes), live huddles, "what-if" scenarios, and much more
  • Module C: 2 days on the EBS campus in Oestrich-Winkel



Topic 1: A World Without Limits - Making Sense of Change and Coping with Uncertainty 

Topic 2: Creating a Strong Culture - Unlocking the Performance Potential of Functionally Diverse Teams 




Topic 3: Vision and Tactics - Developing Strategic Clarity and Navigating the Technology-Era 

Topic 4: Re-Thinking Work - Building a Resilient Operating System by using Technology  




Topic 5: Holistic Business Models - How to Deliver Ecological, Social and Economic Value Propositions 

Topic 6: Blue Sky Products - Developing Bold Solutions 




Topic 7: The Exponential Mindset - Understanding the Law of Accelerating Returns 

Topic 8: Beyond ChatGpt - The Foundation of Artificial Intelligence 

Topic 9: Beyond Bitcoin & Crypto - The Foundation of Blockchain  

Topic 10: Beyond Quantum Computing - The Foundation of Quantum Technologies 




Topic 11: Responsibility and Ethics - Practising Evidence-Based Decision Making 

Topic 12: Design For Disruption – Achieving Organisational Readiness  

12 Masterclasses on the latest technology developments taught by industry experts.



Topic 13: Inspired by Nature - Using Biomimicry to Foster Coexistence and Collaborative Networks 

Topic 14: Ecosystem Services - Sourcing Principles Applied Beyond Materials    




Topic 15: Design Principles and the Art of Doing Business - How to Build a Cultural Foundation for Generational Value 

Topic 16: Behavioural Design - Enabling Human-Focused Change Management Practices 

Topic 17: A Business Philosophical Leadership Jam 

Lecturers and Industry Experts

You will meet leading industry experts from rapidly growing sectors. The practical experience is underpinned with best-practice methods by high-caliber lecturers.


Prof. Dr. Kai Förstl

Robin Weninger

Prof. Dr. Tobias Gutmann

Ida Kymmer

Sean Lee

Florian Neukart

Anne-Lena Jost

Alok Anil
Svetlana Sailer

Karan Pinto

Andreas Eckhardt
Alyssa Jade Mcdonald Bärtel

Ben Baldieri

Prof. Dr. Meir Shemla

Julia Krönung

Eberhard Scheuer

Good to know

Start: 18. November 2024
On Premise: 18. - 22. November 2024 and 13. - 14. March 2025
Virtual Masterclasses in Module B: 2024: week 48 - 51 (4 sessions), 2025: week 02 - 09 (8 sessions)


Early Bird Offer

Book your participation by the end of July 2024 and save €1,000.


ECTS and Credit Towards Master's Degree

In the certificate program "Implications of Exponential Technologies," 6 ECTS points can be earned.

However, the program is currently not applicable towards the Master in Business (M.A.) with a specialization in Digital Transformation.

Unser Partner

Global Institute of Leadership and Technology

The Global Institute of Leadership and Technology (GILT) is a globally recognized educational institution offering experience-based programs in the field of technology and leadership. GILT offers accredited Master degrees, executive education programs and custom programs for organisations, senior executives and young professionals.


Redefine Your Leadership in the Age of Exponential Technologies

Seize the opportunity to drive change in a world powered by exponential technologies. Discover the keys to navigating artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, and quantum technology, and equip yourself with the strategic mindset necessary for innovation and growth.


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Jannes Schreiber

Leiter Sales & Administration Executive School

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