EBS Law Term
Studying a semester abroad can be a life-changing experience! Feel the spirit of an international learning environment and be part of our Law Term.
Welcome to the EBS Law Term
Exclusively made for our international students, the EBS Law Term has an academic focus on Transnational Commercial Law. Upon successful completion, the EBS Law Term offers the opportunity to obtain a Certificate in one of the fascinating business law areas.
- Language: English
- Location: EBS Law School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
- Duration: mid September - end December
- The number of participants is strictly limited
- Credits: 21 - 33 ECTS
Based on the positive experience gained in this programme since 2013, the EBS Law Term will continue to focus on one of the most fascinating international commercial law areas - the Transnational Commercial Law.
Transnational Commercial Law deals with the growing body of internationally unified or harmonised law in areas of exceptionally high relevance to international commerce. Some of the instruments of transnational commercial law, such as the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, are highly successful in global business. Others are pioneer instruments with promising perspectives, such as the UNIDROIT Convention of Cape Town on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocols on Railway Rolling Stock or Space Assets such as satellites.
From a methodical viewpoint, Transnational Commercial Law raises the intriguing question of comparative law as to why some instruments are so successful and what can be learned to design other instruments. Creating Transnational Commercial Law instruments requires specific negotiation skills and high-level diplomacy.
The overall aim of the programme is to provide students with an overview of the most essential concepts, methods and general problems of Transnational Commercial Law as well as an introduction to a selection of essential instruments of Transnational Commercial Law.
For more details, please have a look at the curriculum of the EBS Law Term for 2023. The curriculum for 2024 will be published at a later date and may be subject to change.
Upon successful completion of the course programme, participants receive a certificate of participation. Credit transfer lies within the discretion of the partner institution of EBS University. We advise students to contact their study abroad advisor.
Students will earn the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits. To receive the EBS Law School Certificate for successful participation in EBS Law Term on Transnational Commercial Law, students must successfully participate in Module 1 and a minimum of four electives from Modules 2-4, totalling 21 ECTS credits. Students may choose to earn up to 33 ECTS credits out of the entire EBS Law Term. 2 ECTS credits equal 1 ABA credit. As credit transfer is the responsibility of the partner institution of EBS Universität, students attending EBS Law Term are advised to check the minimum workload required by their home universities before the programme.

I was fortunate enough to be given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of attending a semester abroad at EBS in Germany in the midst of the global pandemic. After months of not being allowed to travel, I was so grateful to attend the campus in person and be able to call Germany my home for a few months. The lecturers were engaging and incredibly knowledgeable, and the classes were interactive and challenging. I got to make new friends from all over the world and engage with new and exciting subjects offered by the university. The university staff members were so welcoming, encouraging, and helpful, and I cannot recommend this experience enough. This will always be a highlight of my academic career!
All information about the requirements and the application process
All courses are held in English. Students must have a minimum score of at least 90 on the Internet-based English test as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
- TOEFL: Minimum of 90 iBT
- IELTS: 6.5
- TOEIC: 721
- ESOL: CAE grade A, B, C
Applicants should have completed at least one year of legal studies at the time of admission.
The following three steps are required to apply for the EBS Law Term from September to December:
- The home university’s exchange coordinator nominates exchange students through an online nomination system.
- Nominated exchange students receive an e-mail from EBS International Programmes Office with details on the online application procedure. Please note that it may take 2-3 workdays for EBS Universität to process the nominations and mail out the login details to your students.
- Students upload the following supporting documents into the application system:
- Current CV or resume
- A copy of all university degrees/grade transcripts
- Proof of health insurance or copy of European Health Insurance Card valid for the entire stay at EBS Universität
- Document “Regulations for Exchange Students at EBS” (available in the download section of the application system, to be signed)
- Copy of ID document: For EU-students: valid national ID card // For Non-EU-students: valid passport (photo and data page, needs to be valid for the entire stay in Germany!)
- For non-native speakers of English: 90 points TOEFL iBT or equivalent
- Nomination Deadline: 15 April
- Application Deadline: 1 May
Your university is not in our partner universities programme?

If you do not attend one of our partner universities and are interested in our Law Term, please contact us.
A limited number of spots will be available to visiting students. Applicants must meet the same language and academic requirements as the exchange students. The tuition fee for the Law Term is 7,470 euro. Visiting students will receive the same service as exchange students.
Information for download
Your personal contact

Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Will, M.A., LL.M. (Cambridge)
Lehrstuhl für Staatsrecht, Verwaltungsrecht, Europarecht, Recht der neuen Technologien sowie Rechtsgeschichte (Öffentliches Recht I)
Zum Profil +49 6723 9168 150 martin.will@ebs.edu
Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh
- Prodekan der EBS Law School - Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Empirische Rechtsforschung und Rechtsökonomik (Öffentliches Recht III)
Zum Profil +49 6723 9168 173 emanuel.towfigh@ebs.edu
Dennis Dietrich
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Staatsrecht, Verwaltungsrecht, Europarecht, Recht der neuen Technologien sowie Rechtsgeschichte (Öffentliches Recht I)
+49 6723 9168158 dennis.dietrich@ebs.eduRead more