
Prof. Dr. Markus Kreutzer

Professor für Strategisches und Internationales Management


  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • International Management
  • Organizational Design

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Markus Kreutzer lehrt auf allen Studienstufen (Bachelor, Master, PhD) Themen des strategischen und internationalen Managements mit den Schwerpunkten interorganisationale Strategieentwicklung, Allianzen, Netzwerke und Ökosysteme, nachhaltiges Unternehmenswachstum, Unternehmenstransformation und Geschäftsmodellinnovation. Darüber hinaus ist er in verschiedene Executive Education Programme involviert.

Markus Kreutzer war von Juni 2017 bis Januar 2019 Dekan der EBS Business School und von Februar 2016 bis Juli 2017 Prodekan für Forschung. Derzeit ist Markus Kreutzer Leiter der Management Group, Vorsitzender des Promotionsausschusses, Akademischer Direktor des Doktorandenprogramms und des Master in Management sowie des Master in Strategy and International Management an der EBS Business School. Er engagiert sich in deutschen (z.B. VHB Kommission Strategie) und internationalen Verbänden (z.B. Strategic Management Society) und ist Editorial Board Member des Journal of Management.


  • BANSAL, P., DURAND, R., KREUTZER, M., KUNISCH, S., MCGAHAN, A. M. (2024). Strategy Can No Longer Ignore Planetary Boundaries: A Call for Tackling Strategy's Ecological Fallacy. Journal of Management Studies. doi:10.1111/joms.13088.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Selective Revealing for Building Ecosystems: A Conjoint Experiment with Managers of Established Firms. R&D Management.
  • KORTUS, L., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (in press). Unearthing Role Dynamics within Innovation Ecosystem Emergence: A Case Study of Data-Driven Circularity. R&D Management.
  • NERBEL, J. F., KREUTZER, M. (2023). Digital platform ecosystems in flux: From proprietary digital platforms to wide-spanning ecosystems. Electronic Markets, 33 (6). doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00625-8.
  • WEISS, M., HERRMANN, D., KHOURY, T. A., KREUTZER, M., HUMMEL, M. (2023). The boundary conditions for growth: Exploring the non-linear relationship between organic and acquisitive growth and profitability. Long Range Planning, 56 (2), 102291. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2022.102291.
  • HETTICH, E., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Strategy formation across organisational boundaries: An interorganisational process model. British Journal of Management, 32, 147-199. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12473.
  • WALTER, J., KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2021). Setting the Tone for the Team: A Multi-Level Analysis of Managerial Control, Peer Control, and their Consequences for Job Satisfaction and Team Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 58, 849-878. doi:10.1111/joms.12622.
  • HÜGEL, S., KREUTZER, M. (2020). The Impact of Organisational Slack on Innovative Work Behaviour: How do Top Managers and Employees Differ? International Journal of Innovation Management, 24 (3), 2050022: 1-44. doi:10.1142/S136391962050022X.
  • AN, D., KREUTZER, M., HEIDENREICH, S. (2020). Always play against par? The effect of inter-team coopetition on individual team productivity. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 155-169. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.06.009.
  • HÜGEL, S., KREUTZER, M., ROTTKE, N. (2019). Firm Innovativeness in Service Industrie: A Construct Validation in the External Environment and Industry Structure Contexts. International Journal of Innovation Management, 23 (06), 1950051. doi:10.1142/S1363919619500518.
  • CARDINAL, L. B., KREUTZER, M., MILLER, C. (2019). Organizational Control. Oxford Bibliographies in Management. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199846740-0176.
  • CARDINAL, L., KREUTZER, M., MILLER, C. (2017). An Aspirational View of Organizational Control Research: Re-invigorating Empirical Work to Better Meet the Challenges of 21st Century Organizations. Academy of Management Annals, 11 (2), 559-592. doi:10.5465/annals.2014.0086.
  • HUMMEL, M., KREUTZER, M., LANDAU, C. (2017). Do business models matter? Performance differences of online sales activity systems in the European online retail industry. American Journal of Management, 17 (6), 111-128.
  • KREUTZER, M., CARDINAL, L. B., WALTER, J., LECHNER, C. (2016). Formal and Informal Control as Complement or Substitute? The Role of the Task Environment. Strategy Science, 1 (4), 235-255. doi:10.1287/stsc.2016.0019.
  • KREUTZER, M., WALTER, J., CARDINAL, L. B. (2015). Organizational control as antidote to politics in the pursuit of strategic initiatives. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (9), 1317-1337. doi:10.1002/smj.2306.
  • ALBERT, D., KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2015). Resolving the Paradox of Interdependency and Strategic Renewal in Activity Systems. Academy of Management Review, 40 (2), 210-234. doi:10.5465/amr.2012.0177.
  • KREUTZER, M., WAGNER, J. (2013). New Solvency Regulation: What CEOs of Insurance Companies Think. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 38 (2), 213-249.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2010). Coordinating Growth Initiatives in Multi-Unit Firms. Long Range Planning, 43 (1), 6-32. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2009.10.002.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2009). Implementierung von Strategien: Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick. Organisationsentwicklung, 1, 4-13.

  • KREUTZER, M., HARTMANN, S., KAUFMANN, S. (2022). Consulting nach Corona. Harvard Business Manager, 2022 (3), pp. 20-27.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Ecosystem orchestration – Much more than strategic alliance management. Global Focus, 15 (2), pp. 11-15.
  • HAUPENTHAL, F., KREUTZER, M., MÜLLER-STEWENS, G. (2014). Strategische Programme erfolgreich meistern. Harvard Business Manager, 2, pp. 32-41.
  • KREUTZER, M., SCHNEIDER, N. (2014). Die Partnerauswahl als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor bei Distributionsallianzen in der Schweizer Softwareindustrie. M & A Review, 3, pp. 96-103.
  • KREUTZER, M., MENZ, M. (2012). Berater im harten Wettbewerb. Harvard Business Manager, pp. 8-11.
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M., SCHÄDLER, J. (2008). Wachstumsinitiativen erfolgreich managen. Harvard Business Manager, 10, pp. 74-84.
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2007). Dimensionen der Führung von Beratungsunternehmen. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensberatung, pp. 53-57.
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2005). Wie evaluiert man, was Berater leisten? io New Management, 9, pp. 32-35.
  • LECHNER, C., GESING, N., KREUTZER, M., MÜLLER-STEWENS, G. (2005). Berater unter Druck – Herausforderungen an das Geschäftsmodell der Beratungsindustrie. Harvard Business Manager, 8, pp. 6-8.

  • KREUTZER, M., HETTICH, E., NEUDERT, P. (2025). Business Ecosystems. Strategizing in a Connected World. Springer International Publishing.
  • KREUTZER, M., WALTER, J. (2024). Reconceptualizing Organizational Control. Managing in the Age of Hybrid Workplaces, Artificial Intelligence, and the Gig Economy (1 ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2008). Controlling Strategic Initiatives: A Contribution to Corporate Entrepreneurship. difo-Druck.

  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Ecosystem orchestration: Matching new ventures and established organizations to catalyze innovation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings, 1 (2021). doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2021.183.
  • WALTER, J., KREUTZER, M., CARDINAL, L. B., MILLER, C. C. (2021). Moving with the times: A new perspective on organizational control. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 13489.
  • KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2014). The Role of Informal Control for Volunteer Satisfaction and Turnover in Volunteer Work Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1), pp. 11472-11472. Philadelphia.
  • KREUTZER, M., CARDINAL, L. B., WALTER, J., LECHNER, C. (2014). Formal and Informal Control as Complements or Substitutes? The Role of the Task Environment. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings, 1 (2014), 11470. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2014.105.

  • GUTMANN, T., SCHINK, A., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Navigating Emerging Ecosystems and Proprietary Solutions to Mitigate Cannibalization Risk. A Case Study in the Manufacturing Sector. 21st Open and User Innovation Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
  • SENGER, R. E., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Narratives in Organizations: A Review and Future Directions. 84th Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • GUTMANN, T., SENGER, R. E., KREUTZER, M. (2024). Narratives in Organizations: A Review and Future Directions. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
  • KREUTZER, M., KORTUS, L., CHOCHOIEK, C., GUTMANN, T. (2023). Walk the Talk: Rebalancing Control Configurations to Implement Sustainability Strategies. the 42nd Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Toronto (Canada).
  • KORTUS, L., GUTMANN, T., KREUTZER, M. (2022). Exploring Role Dynamics During Ecosystem Emergence: Empirical Insights Into an Innovation Ecosystem. SMS 42nd Annual Conference, London, UK.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Selective revealing for building innovation ecosystems: Incumbent firms’ and new ventures’ behaviors. European Academy of Management (EURAM) - Annual Meeting.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2022). Selective revealing for building innovation ecosystems: A conjoint experiment with incumbent firms and new ventures. R&D Management Conference (RADMA).
  • NEUDERT, P., AVINASH, M., KREUTZER, M. (2022). Orchestration of circular economy ecosystems by incumbent firms and new ventures: A multi-case study. Strategic Management Society (SMS) - Annual Conference.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER, K. (2021). Selective revealing strategies in white-label innovation ecosystems – A conjoint experiment. Strategic Management Society.
  • TRAN, T., NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). The role of technology during the ecosystem lifecycle. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • KREUTZER, K., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Should I stay or should I go? The influence of direct and indirect peer control on volunteers’ intention to stay. 13th EIASM workshop on the challenges of managing the third sector.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2020). Ecosystems in Flux: Advancing Theory on the Development of Complex Interorganizational Relationships. European Academy of Management (EURAM) - Annual Meeting.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2020). Matchmaking in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Exploring Growth Mechanisms in Complex Interorganizational Relationships. Strategic Management Society (SMS) - Annual Conference.
  • WEISS, M., KHOURY, T., KREUTZER, M. (2019). The Relationship between Growth and Profitability Revisited - Exploring Different Modes of Growth. Academy of Management Meeting.
  • AN, D., KREUTZER, M. (2018). Inter-Team Coopetition and Time-To-Market. Strategic Management Society.
  • HUMMEL, M., KREUTZER, M. (2018). Coopetition and Multi-Partner Alliance Performance: The Role of Exploitation and Exploration Goals. Academy of Management Meeting.
  • HUMMEL, M., KREUTZER, M. (2017). Joint value creation of PSFs in coopetition: A multilevel mediation model. Professional Service Firms Conference.
  • HUMMEL, M., KREUTZER, M. (2017). Multilevel coopetition and inter-organizational project performance: A mediation model. European Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  • KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K., WALTER, J. (2016). Antecedents and Outcomes of Peer Control: A Multi-level Analysis. Strategic Management Society Conference.
  • LANDAU, C., KREUTZER, M., HUMMEL, M. (2016). Performance Differences of Online Business Models. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference.
  • LANDAU, C., KREUTZER, M., HUMMEL, M. (2016). Do business models matter? Performance differences of online sales activity systems. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • HUMMEL, M., KREUTZER, M. (2016). Coopetition and inter-organizational project performance: The interplay between project- and firm-level coopetition. Strategic Management Society Special Conference.
  • KREUTZER, M., HÖKER, M. (2015). Performance Implications of Differing Alliance Configurations: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis. Strategic Management Society Special Conference.
  • KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K., WALTER, J. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of peer control: A multi-level analysis. Academy of Management OMT division.
  • HETTICH, E., KREUTZER, M. (2015). Coping with Coopetition in Multipartner Alliances: The Role of Bridging Activity. Academy of Management BPS division.
  • KREUTZER, M., WALTER, J. (2014). Formal and Informal Control as Complements or Substitutes? The Role of the Task Environment. Strategic Management Society.
  • OH, L., KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2014). Organizational Complexity Attributes and Performance during Economic Shocks: An Activity System View. Academy of Management.
  • KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2013). Informal Controls in Volunteer Work Teams – The Role of Clan and Peer Controls for Volunteer Satisfaction and Turnover. Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control.
  • KREUTZER, M., MEISSNER, F. (2013). International Business Model Replication – The Role of Contextuality of Inter-Firm Activities. Strategic Management Society Lake Geneva Special Conference.
  • CARDINAL, L., KREUTZER, M. (2013). An Agenda for Organizational Control Research: Looking through the Kaleidoscope of the Past and Present. Strategic Management Society Glasgow Special Conference.
  • KREUTZER, M., WALTER, J., CARDINAL, L. B. (2013). Organizational Control as an Antidote for Organizational Politics. Academy of Management.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2012). Informal Control Modes and Initiative Performance: The Moderating Role of Supervisors’ Political Behavior. Strategic Management Society.
  • ALBERT, D., KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2011). Interdependencies of Activity Systems and Strategic Renewal. Strategic Management Society.
  • OH, L., KREUTZER, M. (2011). Regulatory Events and Activity System Adaptation: The Role of Resource Properties. Strategic Management Society.
  • ALBERT, D., KREUTZER, M. (2011). Article Quality and Team Size in Management Research: The Moderating Role of Article Type. Academy of Management.
  • ALBERT, D., KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2010). Strategic Renewal of Activity Systems: A Model for Interdependence Characteristics. Strategic Management Society.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C., CARDINAL, L. (2009). Organizational Control and Strategic Growth Initiatives - A Contingency Perspective. Strategic Management Society.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C., HERRMANN, A. (2008). Formal Control and Strategic Growth Initiatives - An Entrepreneurial Perspective. Strategic Management Society Conference.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2008). Organizational Control Research - A Review. Academy of Management Meeting.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C., CARDINAL, L. (2008). Strategic Initiatives and Control. Academy of Management Meeting.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2006). The Relationship Between Modes of Managing Strategic Initiatives and Firm Performance - A Contingency View. Strategic Management Society Conference.

  • WEBER, M., KREUTZER, M. (in press). Push and Pull: The Twitter Takeover.
  • KREUTZER, M., NEUDERT, P. (2021, September). Enemies with Benefits: Daimler and BMW's Mobility Ecosystem 'YOUR NOW'. Thunderbird Case Series, https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/TB0633-PDF-ENG.
  • KREUTZER, M., PFEFFER, V. (2020, Februar). The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Strategic Alliance: Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges. A08-19-0008, https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/TB0571-PDF-ENG.
  • KREUTZER, M., SCHESSL, J. (2016). Tesco versus Sainsbury`s: Growth Strategies and Corporate Competitiveness 1990-2015. The Case Centre, 316-0302-1, https://casecent.re/p/137947.
  • KREUTZER, M., HUMMEL, M. (2016, September). Opportunities and risks after market deregulation: The case of Germany’s long-distance travel market. The Case Centre, Reference no. 316-0291-1, https://casecent.re/p/137768.
  • KREUTZER, M., MEISSNER, F. (2011). Alliance Governance at Klarna: Managing and Controlling Risks of an Alliance Portfolio. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 311-228- 1/8, https://casecent.re/p/103997.
  • KREUTZER, M., ALTUCHOV, M. (2011). Knowledge Management at Booz & Company: Towards a Culture of Knowledge Sharing & Collaboration. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 911-016-1/8, https://casecent.re/p/102592.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2011). Helvetic Management Consulting: Growth and Strategic Renewal. Part A: Growth and Need for Strategic Renewal. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 311-022-1/8, https://casecent.re/p/99278.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2011). Helvetic Management Consulting: Growth and Strategic Renewal. Part B: The Process of Strategic Renewal. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 311- 023-1/8, https://casecent.re/p/99279.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2008). Tesco versus Sainsbury’s: Growth Strategies and Corporate Competitiveness 1990-2007. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 308-065-1/8, https://casecent.re/p/79290.

  • KREUTZER, M., KUNZE, F. (2021). Wie sich das Vertrauen am Arbeitsplatz durch mobile und hybride Arbeit verändert. Haufe Verlag, Deutschland.

  • KREUTZER, M., MENZ, M. (2012). European Consulting Survey 2012. The Future of European Management Consulting Firms’ Business Models. Study Report. Retrieved from https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/215333/1/EuropeanConsultingSurvey2012.pdf
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2011). Regulatorischer Wandel – Chancen und Risiken für die Versicherungsbranche. Joint Publication of KPMG and University of St.Gallen. Retrieved from https://vorsorgeexperten.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Dokumente/111115_Versicherungsstudie_d.pdf
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2010). Defining the Future of Swiss Private Banking. Joint Publication of KPMG and University of St.Gallen..
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2009). Private Banking in Switzerland - Quo Vadis? Joint Publication of KPMG and University of St.Gallen. Retrieved from https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/56594/1/SwissPrivatBanking_Web_final.pdf
  • LECHNER, C., GESING, N., KREUTZER, M., MÜLLER-STEWENS, G. (2005). Herausforderungen an das Geschäftsmodell der Beratungsindustrie. Retrieved from https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/254199/1/05_Herausforderungen%20an%20das%20Gesch%C3%A4ftsmodell%20%28Studie%29.pdf

  • KREUTZER, M. (2021). Moving with the Times: A New Perspective on Organizational Control. Forschungswerkstatt, Freie Universität Berlin, virtual.
  • KREUTZER, M., PFEFFER, V. (2021). Remote Work and Virtual Teams: Recent Findings and Research Studies. Keynote Google Cloud Germany Workshop, virtual.
  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2020). Resilient thanks to ecosystems? Managing strategic partnerships in times of crisis. InsurLab Germany, CEO Roundtable, Cologne.
  • KREUTZER, M., HARTMANN, S. (2020). Professional Services in der digitalen Transformation. Jahrestagung VHB, Frankfurt bzw. virtual.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2017). Intermezzo: Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft – Wie Hochschulen Gründerspirit fördern können. ZEIT Konferenz Hochschule und Bildung, Berlin.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2015). Formal and Informal Control as Complements or Substitutes? The Role of the Task Environment. Presentation at the University of Kuehne Logistics University.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2014). Formal and Informal Control as Complements or Substitutes? The Role of the Task Environment. Presentation in the Management Area Research Seminar at the University of Mannheim.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2013). Ability to Cope with Radical Exogenous Change – The Role of Complexity Attributes. Invited presentation at the 6th IESE Entrepreneurship Research Workshop, Barcelona.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2013). Formal and Informal Controls as Complements or Substitutes?. Invited presentation at the IESE Entrepreneurship Strategy brownbag meeting, Barcelona.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2012). Scientific Team Size And Article Quality in Management Research. Invited research talk at the EBS Business School's Research Colloquium.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2010). Organizational Control and Strategic Renewal. Invited research talk at the EBS Business School's Research Colloquium, Oestrich-Winkel.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2009). (Multiple) Regression Analysis - Basics and Exemplar Study. Invited lecture in Master course "Research in Management" by Schmid, T., University of St. Gallen.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2008). Strategic Initiatives and Control. Invited research talk in Ph.D. seminar on Strategy Process at the University of St. Gallen.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2006). Herausforderungen schnellen Wachstums. Invited talk at the annual strategy meeting of the Spar Gruppe Schweiz, Switzerland.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2005). Herausforderungen an das Geschäftsmodell der Beratungsindustrie. Invited talk at the GCN-Consulting Professional Development Program, Austria.

  • NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2022). Affiliated or Aligned? Orchestration Modes of Multipartner Innovation Among Incumbent Firms and New Ventures. In Das, T. K. (Eds.), Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances (pp. 155-200). New York: Information Age Publishing.
  • LANDAU, C., KREUTZER, M. (2017). Tools im Stresstest - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen strategischer Analyseverfahren. In Burkhard Schwenker und Barbara Dauner-Lieb (Ed.), Gute Strategie: Der Ungewissheit offensiv begegnen - Eine neue Agenda strategischer Führung.. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
  • CARDINAL, L., MILLER, C., KREUTZER, M., TENBRINK, C. (2015). Strategic Planning and Firm Performance: Towards a better Understanding of a Controversial Relationship. In M. Mumford & M. Frese (Ed.), The Psychology of Planning in Organizations: Research and Applications (pp. 260-288). New York: Routledge.
  • KREUTZER, M., ALTUCHOV, M. (2013). Knowledge Management at Booz & Company. In T. Jelassi & A. Enders (Ed.), Strategies for E-Business: Creating Value Through Electronic & Mobile Commerce Concepts & Cases (pp. 348). FT Prentice Hall.
  • LECHNER, C., KREUTZER, M. (2011). Strategic Initiatives: An Appraisal and Agenda for Future Research. In F.W. Kellermanns & P. Mazzola (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Strategy Process (pp. 283-303). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2011). Strategische Initiativen und Programme mit Führungsansätzen steuern. In M. Menz, T. Schmid, G. Müller-Stewens & C. Lechner (Eds.), Strategische Initiativen und Programme. Wege erfolgreicher Unternehmensführung. (pp. 69-88). Gabler Verlag.
  • KREUTZER, M. (2011). Selecting the Right Mechanism to Grow: The Choice between Internal Development, Alliances, and M&A. In E. Friedrich, T. Schlenzig & G. Mennillo (Eds.), Balanced Growth: Finding Strategies for Sustainable Development. Springer.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2011). Tesco versus Sainsbury's: Growth Strategies and Corporate Competitiveness 1990 - 2007. In R. Volberda, R. E. Morgan, P. Reinmoeller, M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland & R. E. Hoskisson (Eds.), Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (concepts and cases) (pp. 795-813). Cengage Learning (EMEA).
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2010). Tesco versus Sainsbury's: Growth Strategies and Corporate Competitiveness 1990 - 2007. In M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, & R. E. Hoskisson (Eds.), Strategic Management: Cases: Competitiveness & Globalization (pp. 377-393). Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.
  • KREUTZER, M., LECHNER, C. (2010). Control Configurations and Strategic Initiatives. In S. B. Sitkin, L. B. Cardinal & K. M. Bijlsma-Frankema (Eds.), Organizational Control (Cambridge Companions to Management) (pp. 463-503). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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