Prof. Dr. Karin Kreutzer
- Prodekanin der EBS Business School
- Professorin für Social Business

- Social Business
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Public and Nonprofit Management
Curriculum Vitae
Karin Kreutzer ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Social Business, Leiterin des Impact Instituts und Vize Dekanin Forschung an der EBS Business School.
Ihre Forschung beschäftigt sich mit Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, strategischen Partnerschaften zwischen Unternehmen und NGOs sowie Fragen der strategischen Steuerung in Nonprofit Organisationen. Ihre Arbeit wurde in führenden akademischen Zeitschriften publiziert, u.A. Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Ethics und Human Relations.
Karin Kreutzer hat an der Universität St. Gallen promoviert und an der Bocconi sowie den Universitäten Passau und Parma studiert. Sie war als Gastwissenschaftlerin an der ESADE Business School in Barcelona tätig.
Sie ist Mitglied in Leitungsgremien mehrerer Sozialunternehmen und berät Nonprofit Organisationen sowie die öffentliche Hand zum Thema soziales Unternehmertum.
Sie unterrichtet Kurse in Bachelor-, Master-, MBA- und PhD- Programmen in den Bereichen Betriebswirtschaft, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sozialunternehmertum und qualitative Forschungsmethoden.
- SCHWARZMANN, V., MERFELD, K., KREUTZER, K. (2024). Navigating Age Diversity in Volunteer Teams: Barriers and Enablers of Teamwork. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. doi:10.1177/08997640241262215.
- KREUTZER, K. (2022). On the Discursive Construction of Social Entrepreneurship in Pitch Situations: The Intertextual Reproduction of Business and Social Discourse by Presenters and Their Audience. Journal of Business Ethics, 179, 1071–1090. doi:10.1007/s10551-022-05161-7.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2022). Switching From Corporate to Nonprofit Work: Career Transitions of Commercially Imprinted Managers. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52 (4), 1077-1098. doi:10.1177/08997640221115649.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K., KARNA, A. (2022). Organisational Responses to Social-Business Tensions in Social Entrepreneuring: Findings from the Scaling up of an Affordable Housing Finance Firm in India. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-29. doi:10.1080/19420676.2022.2152858.
- JACOBS, C., KREUTZER, K., VAARA, E. (2021). Political Dynamics of Organizational Identity Breach and Reconstructions: Findings from the crisis in UNICEF Germany. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (3), 948-980.
- WALTER, J., KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2021). Setting the Tone for the Team: A Multi-Level Analysis of Managerial Control, Peer Control, and their Consequences for Job Satisfaction and Team Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 58, 849-878. doi:10.1111/joms.12622.
- HESSE, A., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2019). Dynamics of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany. Journal of Business Ethics. doi:10.1007/S10551-017-3775-0.
- GREGULETZ, E., DIEHL, M.-R., KREUTZER, K. (2019). Why women build less effective networks than men: The role of structural exclusion and personal hesitation. Human Relations, 72 (7), 1234-1261. doi:10.1177/0018726718804303.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., KREUTZER, K. (2019). Carsharing with Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Uncovering Drivers, Barriers and Future Developments – A Four-Stage Delphi Study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 66-81.
- CANNON, S., KREUTZER, K. (2018). Mission Accomplished? Organizational Identity Work in Response to Mission Success. Human Relations, 71 (9), 1234–1263.
- KREUTZER, K., RUEEDE, D. (2018). Organizational identity consistency in a discontinuous corporate volunteering program. European Management Journal, 37 (4), 455-467. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2018.12.003.
- KREUTZER, K., NIENDORF, E. (2017). Social Business Models – A typology based on levels of integration.. Die Unternehmung – Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 71 (2), 183-196. doi:10.5771/0042-059X-2017-2-183.
- LURTZ, K., KREUTZER, K. (2016). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Social Venture Creation: The Pivotal Role of Social Risk-Taking and Collaboration.. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46 (1), 92-115. doi:10.1177/0899764016654221.
- RUEEDE, D., KREUTZER, K. (2015). Legitimation Work Within a Cross-Sector Social Partnership. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (1), 39-58. doi:10.1007/s10551-014-2072-4.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C. (2011). Balancing Control and Coaching in CSO Governance. A Paradox Perspective on Board Behavior. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 22 (4), 613-638. doi:10.1007/s11266-011-9212-6.
- JÄGER, U. P., KREUTZER, K. (2011). Strategy’s Negotiability, Reasonability, and Comprehensibility. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 40 (6), 1020-1047. doi:10.1177/0899764010378703.
- KREUTZER, K., JÄGER, U. (2011). Volunteering Versus Managerialism: Conflict Over Organizational Identity in Voluntary Associations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 40 (4), 634-661. doi:10.1177/0899764010369386.
- KREUTZER, K. (2009). Nonprofit governance during organizational transition in voluntary associations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 20 (1), 117-133. doi:10.1002/nml.244.
- JÄGER, U., KREUTZER, K., BEYES, T. (2009). Balancing Acts: NPO-Leadership and Volunteering. Financial Accountability and Management, 25 (1), 79-97. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0408.2008.00466.x.
- KREUTZER, K., JÄGER, U. (2008). Community Value Marketing. Was Marketing-Experten von NPOs lernen können. Marketing Review St. Gallen (5).
- HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2021). With a Little Help from Another Woman: Female Networking and the Professional Networking Divide. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1).
- PLESER, A. M., GARCIA-LORENZO, L., WHITELAW, L., KREUTZER, K. (2018). Organizational Identity Work – Its Narratives and Practices: Working Towards a Desired Identity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2018 (1), pp. 18278. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K. (2018). It’s in your biography – how individuals navigate organizational hybridity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2018 (1), pp. 17546.
- KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2014). The Role of Informal Control for Volunteer Satisfaction and Turnover in Volunteer Work Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1), pp. 11472-11472. Philadelphia.
- LURTZ, K., KREUTZER, K. (2014). What Does Your Audience Expect from You? How Entrepreneurs Acquire Resources through Storytelling. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1), pp. 16008-16008. Philadelphia.
- LURTZ, K., KREUTZER, K. (2012). Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Context of Social Venture Creation. Academy of Management Proceedings. Boston.
- KELLER, C., OWIN, D., KREUTZER, K., BECHTOLDT, M. (2024). Sustainability managers’ moral role identity and moral (dis)engagement. GRONEN (Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment) Conference, Paris, France.
- KELLER, C., OWIN, D., KREUTZER, K., BECHTOLDT, M. (2024). Sustainability managers’ moral role identity and moral (dis)engagement. EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), 40th Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
- KELLER, C., OWIN, D., KREUTZER, K., BECHTOLDT, M. (2024). Sustainability managers’ moral role identity and moral (dis)engagement. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
- KREUTZER, K., SCHWARZMANN, V., KELLER, C., BOECKL, A. (2024). Are Investments in Entrepreneurialism Effective for Female Empowerment in the Global South?. EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
- KREUTZER, K., FRIEDRICHS, K., KELLER, C., BITAR, R., VAN DEN BROEK, O. M. (2024). From external to internal crisis – Unraveling corporate responses to Human Rights Challenges during interstate conflicts. EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
- KELLER, C., KREUTZER, K., BECHTOLDT, M. (2024). Sustainability managers’ moral role identity – How moral (dis)engagement shapes corporate climate (in)action. 53rd Conference of the German & 15th Conference of the Austrian Society for Psychology, Vienna.
- KREUTZER, K., KELLER, C., BECHTOLDT, M. (2023). Not our business: Why the climate crisis is not perceived as a corporate crisis. EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), 39th Colloquium.
- KREUTZER, K., KELLER, C., BECHTOLDT, M. (2023). Not our business: Why the climate crisis is not perceived as a corporate crisis. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP).
- SCHWARZMANN, V., MERFELD, K., KREUTZER, K. (2023). From activism to movement fatigue: The mainstreaming of fair-trade in Germany. EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.
- SULZBACH, V., PAETZOLD, F., KREUTZER, K. (2023). Accelerator or Obstacle: Organizational Responses to the Implementation of the Impact Principles. Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA.
- GUTMANN, T., HIRSCHFELDER, O., KREUTZER, K. (2023). Mock Giant’: Exploring the paradoxical dynamics of managerial decisions on sustainability through an ethnographical lens. 37th EGOS Colloqium, Cagliari, Italy..
- SULZBACH, V., KREUTZER, K., PAETZOLD, F. (2022). Accelerator or Obstacle: Organizational Responses to the Adoption of the Operating Principles for Impact Investing. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) - Annual Meeting.
- FRIEDRICHS, K., KREUTZER, K. (2022). How to social enterprises survive the COVID-19 crisis with limited financial slack - A tale of learned resilience. 38rd EGOS Colloquium.
- SULZBACH, V., PAETZOLD, F., KREUTZER, K. (2022). Threat or opportunity: Organizational responses to the adoption of the operating principles for impact. EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria.
- SCHWARZMANN, V., KREUTZER, K., MERFELD, K. (2022). Age Diversity in Volunteer Teams: A Qualitative Study on Age-Diverse Teamwork. Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, USA.
- SCHWARZMANN, V., KREUTZER, K., MERFELD, K. (2021). Age-diversity in volunteer teams – A qualitative study on intergenerational teamwork. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2021). The Biographical Origins of Commercially Imprinted Managers’ Ability to Adapt to a Not-for-profit Context. ISTR virtual conference.
- KREUTZER, K., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Should I stay or should I go? The influence of direct and indirect peer control on volunteers’ intention to stay. 13th EIASM workshop on the challenges of managing the third sector.
- HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2021). With a Little Help from Another Woman: Female Networking and the Professional Networking Divide. Academy of Management Meeting 2021 (1), 10710.
- HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2021). Female networking and the professional networking divide. Academy of Management Meeting.
- FRIEDRICHS, K., KREUTZER, K. (2021). How do social enterprises survive the COVID-19 crisis despite limited financial slack? A tale of learned resilience. RENT Conference Turku, Finnland.
- SCHWARZER, F., KREUTZER, K. (2020). Becoming a group: A social identity formation approach to Social Entrepreneurship. EGOS Conference.
- BOUDES, M., PINZ, A., PACHE, A. C., KREUTZER, K., HININGS, C. R. (2020). Hybrids and Hybrid Organizing for Sustainability. Academy of Management Meeting.
- HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2020). Female Networking. Academy of Management, Paper Development Workshop.
- KREUTZER, K., EL BOUYAHYANI, T. (2019). How do firms learn from their employees’ social engagement? Reviewing individual corporate volunteering outcomes and their relevance for the strategic renewal of the firm. 26th European Conference on Information Systems. 26th European Conference on Information Systems.
- KREUTZER, K. (2019). Social-business tensions in scaling efforts of a micro-housing corporation in India. 26th European Conference on Information Systems. 26th European Conference on Information Systems.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K. (2019). Social-business tensions in scaling efforts of a micro-housing corporation in India. EURAM Conference, Lisboa, Portugal.
- EL BOUYAHYANI, T., KREUTZER, K. (2019). How do firms learn from their employees’ social engagement? Reviewing individual corporate volunteering outcomes and their relevance for the strategic renewal of the firm. EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK.
- KREUTZER, K. (2019). Organizational Identity Breach. Organizational Identity Breach. Conference on paradoxes and volunteering.
- KREUTZER, K. (2018). How entrepreneurs acquire resources through storytelling. EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia.
- MERFELD, K., KREUTZER, K. (2018). A Better World through Autonomous Driving? Responsibilities and Moral Dilemmas. INFORMS International Conference.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K. (2018). It’s in your biography – how individuals navigate organizational hybridity. Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA.
- KREUTZER, K., NIENDORF, E. (2017). Social Business Models – A Typology based on Levels of Integration. IESE-LUISS conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship.
- KREUTZER, K., NIENDORF, E. (2017). Diverse Managerial Careers: A Resource for Hybrid Organizations. IESE-LUISS conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship,.
- HESSE, A., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M.-R. (2017). Dynamic rivalry of institutional logics in a cross-sector social partnership. Academy of Management Conference.
- MERFELD, K., WILHELMS, M.-P., HENKEL, S., KREUTZER, K. (2017). Looking into the Future of Autonomous Carsharing – a Delphi Study. INFORMS Annual Conference.
- PLESER, A. M., KREUTZER, K. (2017). Founders’ Imprint: The influence of social entrepreneurs’ leadership style on organizational identity formation. European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS) - Annual Meeting.
- NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K. (2017). Typology of Social Business Models. EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- PLESER, A. M., KREUTZER, K., GARCIA-LORENZO, L., WHITELAW, L. (2017). Interdiscursivity and Sociomateriality in Organizational Identity Work. EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C., VAARA, E. (2016). On repairing organizational identity. EGOS Colloquium.
- KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K., WALTER, J. (2016). Antecedents and Outcomes of Peer Control: A Multi-level Analysis. Strategic Management Society Conference.
- KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K., WALTER, J. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of peer control: A multi-level analysis. Academy of Management Meeting.
- KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K., WALTER, J. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of peer control: A multi-level analysis. Academy of Management OMT division.
- KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2013). Informal Controls in Volunteer Work Teams – The Role of Clan and Peer Controls for Volunteer Satisfaction and Turnover. Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control.
- KLOIBHOFER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2013). Founders’ Imprint on Organizational Identity – The Role of Leadership Styles. EMES Conference.
- CANNON, S., DONELLY-COX, G., KREUTZER, K. (2013). Organizational Identity Work in Irish Peacebuilding Organizations. EGOS Colloquium.
- LURTZ, K., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M. (2013). The Narratives of Translation: When Nonprofit Organizations adopt Management Practices. Academy of Management Meeting.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C., JAEGER, U. (2011). The Duality of CSO-governance: A Paradox Perspective. EGOS Colloquium.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C., JAEGER, U. (2011). Strategizing the Self-Discursive Practices of Organizational Identity Negotiations. Academy of Management Meeting.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C., JAEGER, U. (2010). Negotiating Organizational Identities. EGOS Colloquium.
- KREUTZER, K., JAEGER, U. (2008). Volunteering vs. Professionalization. Exploration from a Multiple Organizational Identities Perspective. ISTR (International Society for Third-Sector Research) Conference.
- KREUTZER, K., JÄGER, U. (2008). Volunteering vs. Managerialism. Conflicting Organizational Identities in Voluntary Associations. Academy of Management Meeting.
- JAEGER, U., KREUTZER, K., BEYES, T. (2007). Balancing Acts. NPO Leadership and Volunteering. EGOS Colloquium.
- JAEGER, U., KREUTZER, K., BEYES, T. (2007). Leading without formal power. EIASM, 6th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector.
- KREUTZER, K. (2007). Nonprofit Governance during Organizational Transition. Academy of Management Meeting.
- KREUTZER, K., KELLER, C. (2024). The Dilemma of Social Enterprises in the Global South: Navigating Between Impact and Profitability. Case Research Journal .
- SINGH, P., NAGABHATLA, N., KREUTZER, K. (2023). Water Stewardship—Bridging the Knowledge and the Financial Gaps (1 ed.). In Dieter Gramlich, Thomas Walker, Maya Michaeli, Charlotte Esme Frank (Eds.), Water Risk Modeling (pp. 121-151). Springer International Publishing.
- KREUTZER, K. (2022). The Adoption of Managerialist Practices in Social Enterprises. In Antonino Vaccaro, Tommaso Ramus (Eds.), Social Innovation and Social Enterprises. Toward a Holistic Perspective (pp. 173-186). Springer.
- KREUTZER, K., JACOBS, C. (2020). Strategic Mission Management in Hybrid Organizations. In Rochester, C.; Billis, D. (Eds.), Handbook on Hybrid Organisations (pp. 391-406). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- KREUTZER, K., MAUKSCH, S. (2014). The one and many sides of Social Business: A critical reflection. In Grove, A. , Berg, G.A. (Eds.), Social Business: Theory, Practice, and Critical Perspectives (pp. 225-237). Springer.
- KREUTZER, K., JÄGER, U. (2009). Strategischer Wandel in der Vereinigung für Burgen und Schlösser in der Schweiz. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
- KREUTZER, K., JÄGER, U. (2009). Initiative zur Professionalisierung des Nonprofit-Managements. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
- BECHTOLDT, M., KREUTZER, K. (2024). Weit entfernt vom Parität-Panorama. Forschung & Lehre .
- KREUTZER, K. (2023). So werden Sie Schritt für Schritt zur Netzwerkerin. Süddeutsche Zeitung.
- KREUTZER, K. (2023). So werden Sie Schritt für Schritt zur Netzwerkerin. Frankfurter Rundschau.