
Prof. Dr. Simon Dato

Qualifikationsprofessor für Mikroökonomik


  • Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Behavioral Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Professor Dr. Simon Dato ist seit 2021 Qualifikationsprofessor für Mikroökonomik an der EBS Business School. Er hat an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn am Institut für angewandte Mikroökonomik promoviert. Er unterrichtet im Bachelor- sowie Masterprogramm Kurse zu den Themenfeldern Mikroökonomik, Verhaltensökonomik und evidenzbasiertes Management. Seine Forschungsarbeiten sind sowohl empirischer als auch theoretischer Natur und finden Anwendung in den Feldern der Verhaltens-, Personal- und Organisationsökonomik. Seit Oktober 2023 ist er zum Akademischen Leiter des Bachelorstudiengangs (BSc) ernannt. Darüber hinaus ist er Mitglied des Forschungsausschusses der Business School.


  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (in press). Lying in Competitive Environments: Identifying Behavioral Impacts. European Economic Review.
  • FIŠAR, M., GREINER, B., HUBER, C., KATOK, E., OZKES, A. I., DATO, S., AND THE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE REPRODUCIBILITY COLLABORATION, M. S. R. C. (2023). Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2023.03556.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2021). Worker visibility and firms' retention policies. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 30 (1), 168-202. doi:10.1111/jems.12404.
  • DATO, S., NIEKEN, P. (2020). Gender differences in sabotage: the role of uncertainty and beliefs. Experimental Economics, 23 (2), 353-391. doi:10.1007/s10683-019-09613-2.
  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (2019). Lying and reciprocity. Games and Economic Behavior, 118, 193-218. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2019.08.014.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D. (2018). Expectation-based loss aversion and rank-order tournaments. Economic Theory, 66 (4), 901-928. doi:10.1007/s00199-017-1072-x.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D., STRACK, P. (2017). Expectation-based loss aversion and strategic interaction. Games and Economic Behavior, 104, 681-705. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2017.06.010.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M., MÜLLER, D. (2016). Asymmetric employer information, promotions, and the wage policy of firms. Games and Economic Behavior, 100, 273-300. doi:10.1016/j.geb.2016.09.013.
  • DATO, S., NIEKEN, P. (2014). Gender differences in competition and sabotage. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 100, 64-80. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2014.01.012.

  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (2022). A Clean Identification of Behavioral Impacts. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (COPE).
  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (2022). Lying in Competitive Environments: A Clean Identification of Behavioral Impacts. Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES).
  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (2022). Lying in Competitive Environments: A Clean Identification of Behavioral Impacts. Innsbruck Winter Summit - (Un)Ethical Behavior in Markets.
  • DATO, S., NIEKEN, P., FEESS, E. (2019). Lying and Reciprocity. HeiKaMax 2019.
  • DATO, S., NIEKEN, P. (2018). Bad boys, good girls?! - what causes the gender gap on sabotage?. Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA).
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2017). Talent Hoarding. Annual Meeting of the German Economic Association of Business Administration (GEABA).
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2017). Talent Hoarding. Annual Meeting of the Committee for Organizational Economics of the German Economic Association (VfS).
  • DATO, S., NIEKEN, P. (2016). Compensation and Honesty: Gender Differences in Lying. CBESS Conference on “Contests: Theory and Evidence 2016”.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M., MÜLLER, D. (2016). Asymmetric Employer Information, Promotions, and the Wage Policy of Firms. Lectures on the Economics of Organizations and Human Resources (LEOH) 2016.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D., STRACK, P. (2015). Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction. Annual Congress of the Verein für Socialpolitik.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D. (2015). Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Rank-Order Tournaments. Annual Meeting of the German Economic Association of Business Administration (GEABA).

  • DATO, S., FEESS, E., NIEKEN, P. (2022). Lying in Competitive Environments: A Clean Identification of Behavioral Impacts. Internal seminar, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT).
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2018). Talent Hoarding. MACIE Research Seminar.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2017). Talent Hoarding. Seminar in Economics and Management.
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D., STRACK, P. (2015). Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction. Doktorandenkolloquium, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT).
  • DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., MÜLLER, D., STRACK, P. (2014). Expectation-based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction. Applied Micro Workshop, University of Bonn.


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