
Prof. Pantelis Karapanagiotis, Ph.D.


  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Statistik

Curriculum Vitae

Pantelis Karapanagiotis hat an der Kapodistrian University of Athens  Mathematik und an der Athener University of Economics and Business Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert. Im Jahre 2021 wurde ihm sein Ph.D. in Quantitative Wirtschaftslehre von der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt verliehen. Seit 2021 arbeitet er an der EBS Business School als Assistant Professor für Mikroökonomie und ist zur Zeit Affiliate Researcher des Leibniz-Instituts SAFE.

Zu seinen Hauptforschungsgebieten gehören strukturelle Industrieorganisation, computational Economics und Verhaltensentscheidungstheorie. Seine Lehrschwerpunkte sind Ökonomie der Märkte, Spieltheorie und Industrieorganisation.


  • KARAPANAGIOTIS, P. (2024). The Package: Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium. Journal of Statistical Software, 108 (2). doi:10.18637/jss.v108.i02.
  • GRAM, D., KARAPANAGIOTIS, P., LIEBALD, M., WALZ, U. (2022). Design and Implementation of a Historical German Firm-level Financial Database. Journal of Data and Information Quality. doi:10.1145/3531533.

  • GRAM, D., KARAPANAGIOTIS, P., KRZYZANOWSKI, J., LIEBALD, M., WALZ, U. (2021). An extensible model for historical financial data with an application to German company and stock market data. Proceedings of the ICTeSSH 2021 conference.

  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). An extensible model for historical financial data with an application to German company and stock market data. Proceedings of the ICTeSSH 2021 conference. PubPub.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention. Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing. International Association for Research in Economic Psychology - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Rational Inattention Dynamics in Stochastic Games: Coordination and Conditioning. International Association for Research in Economic Psychology - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). The Assessment of Market-Clearing as a Model Selection Problem. Warsaw 16th International Economic Meeting.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). The R Package diseq. Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium. useR! The R Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P., HELLER, D., NILSEN, O. A. (2021). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during Economic Crises. The 11th RCEA Money Macro & Finance Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention: Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing. European Economic Association - Econometric Society European Meeting.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention: Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing. European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (in press). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during Economic Crises. Fourth ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P., HELLER, D., NILSEN, O. A. (2020). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during the Financial Crisis. Verein für Socialpolitik Annual Conference.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2020). Invisible Market Forces with Observable Effects. Modelling with Big Data & Machine Learning: Measuring Economic Instability.

  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P., RANFT, L. M., BRASWELL, J., KONIG, W. (2021). Updated Technical Document on the Preliminary Data Model. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4724802
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2020). Technical Document on Preliminary Common Data Model. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3686930
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2019). Technical Document on National Data Models. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3467926

  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Rational Inattention Dynamics in Stochastic Games. Coordination and Conditioning.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P., HELLER, D., NILSEN, O. A. (2020). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during Economic Crises.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2020). The Assessment of Market-Clearing as a Model Selection Problem.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2019). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention. Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing.

  • KARAPANAGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention: Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing. University of Copenhagen Seminar.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P., HELLER, D., NILSEN, O. A. (2020). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during the Financial Crisis. Liebniz Institute SAFE for Financial Research.
  • KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2020). Invisible Market Forces with Observable Effects. Liebniz Institute SAFE for Financial Research.

  • KARAPANAGIOTIS, P., KONIG, W., FRANK, M., BRASWELL, J., LUKAS M. RANFT, L. M. (2022). How to Ensure Collective Action in Multinational Projects: Insights from the EurHisFirm Project (1 ed.). In Dibbern Jens, Förderer Jens, Kude Thomas, Rothlauf Franz, and Kai Spohrer (Eds.), Digitalization Across Organizational Levels: New Frontiers for Information Systems Research (pp. 41--77). Springer International Publishing.


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